Italian Libya | alternatehistory.com
Nov 25, 2020 · The only example of a white-controlled settler colony in the non-European old world is Israel, which ain’t exactly known for a long term stable relationship with the indigenous population or neighboring countries. I suspect an Italian Libya would have been a similar focal point for movements like Arab Nationalism or Islamic Jihad like Israel.
An Italian Rhodesia in Libya | alternatehistory.com
Oct 10, 2021 · Libya is mostly desert, but arable/livestock land is the size of Southern Italy. And the oil boom could support another big number of high paid jobs. We could have a 5 million people Lybia in 2010, 60% Arab, 40% Italian and Italian language being used by everybody.
Italian Libya | Page 3 | alternatehistory.com
Nov 25, 2020 · Italian Libya would probably promote ethnic minorities like Jews, Amazighs, Arab Christians, and Tuaregs over the majority Muslim Arab population and work with the indigenous people through them. They would also make an effort to get European settlers to repatriate to Libya from places like Kenya, Zimbabwe, and especially Angola/Mozambique and ...
Italian Libya | Page 2 | alternatehistory.com
Nov 25, 2020 · No ww1 means racial superiority theory's are less discredited, easier to get away with german south west style genocide lite. Colonial regime could easily last in the 80s on most places. Population is small enough, and close enough to italy to see it happening. Once France is forced to give up algeria, italian libya days are probably numbered.
Fate of Italian majority Libya should Italy still loses ww2?
Mar 4, 2020 · Another thing to bear in mind is that if an Italian majority "Libya" is part of Italy in 1946 the Italians might just vote to retain the monarchy (it was fairly close OTL) a million or so more Italians with larger farms or prosperous businesses probably shifts the Italian Overton window significantly more to the right.
Post colonial borders without WW1? | Page 2 | alternatehistory.com
Dec 1, 2024 · Without the Great War and the Second World War, Italian Libya might have flourished as a prosperous part of a renewed Italian Empire. The discovery and exploitation of oil in Libya and natural gas in Algeria would have incentivised both France and Italy to defend these territories at all costs.
Italian Libya | Page 4 | alternatehistory.com
Nov 25, 2020 · Italian Libya would probably promote ethnic minorities like Jews, Amazighs, Arab Christians, and Tuaregs over the majority Muslim Arab population and work with the indigenous people through them. They would also make an effort to get European settlers to repatriate to Libya from places like Kenya, Zimbabwe, and especially Angola/Mozambique and ...
An Italian Rhodesia in Libya | Page 2 | alternatehistory.com
Oct 10, 2021 · A big if for an Italian Libya is if the Italian birthrate drops to the anemic levels seen in mainland Italy while the Arab birthrate remains high, setting up a revenge-of-the-cradle scenario, where the Italian population declines while the Arab skyrockets. The Italo-Libyan birthrate might remain higher just because of a potential existential ...
Axis vs Vampires, Italian-Polish-Japanese Axis Timeline
Dec 27, 2024 · Italian support for Kateb was especially strong during the French government of Prime Minister Léon Blum, which pursued an anti-Italian policy. Kateb activists not only sought Lebanon's independence but also believed that the Lebanese descended from the ancient Phoenicians rather than the Arabs and that Lebanon should be an independent ...
AHC: French Algeria and Italian Libya in 2012
Jul 8, 2012 · With a post WWI Pod is there a way to have both Algeria and Libya still remain part of their respective colonizers and possibly even have a European majority?