Lilium 'Matrix' (Matrix Asiatic Lily) - World of Flowering Plants
Lilium 'Matrix' is a beautiful dwarf lily with fiery red flowers with a deep orange throat. The large and numerous flowers appear on one stem, usually about 30 cm tall. It is an upright, bulbous perennial with compact, erect stems bearing narrowly …
Lilium 'Matrix' Asiatic Lily from Hoffie Nursery
Lilium 'Matrix' Asiatic Lily. Category: Perennial; Hardiness Zone: 3-9; Height: 16-24 Inches; Spread: 12-15 Inches; Bloom Color: Orange; Foliage Color: Green; Fiery red flower with a center splash of orange on long stems. Long lived and great in the garden.
Lily (Lilium 'Matrix') in the Lilies Database - Garden.org
Plant database entry for Lily (Lilium 'Matrix') with 46 images, one comment, and 28 data details.
Matrix Dwarf Asiatic Lily Bulbs, Lilium | American Meadows
'Matrix' Asiatic Lily is a vibrant dwarf variety that grows to 16-20” and is a perfect addition to small spaces, containers, and the front border of beds. Stunning magenta-coral blooms open to reveal orange centers, bringing oodles of color and personality to the garden.
- Reviews: 16
Lilium 'Matrix', Lily 'Matrix' (Asiatic) in GardenTags plant …
The Asiatic lily is a true lily which flowers earlier than many lilies - from early Summer to mid Summer. Less fragrant than Oriental lilies, but much-prized by flower-arrangers. 'Matrix' is an orange, dwarf variety, and, as such, can also be grown in a pot.
Lilies Asiatic - Pot Lilies 'Matrix' from Leo Berbee Bulb Company
Lilies Asiatic - Pot Lilies 'Matrix' » Hardy and easy to grow » Long blooming season » Packed in 25's
Lilium - Asiatic Pot Lily 'Matrix' - Growing Colors
Lilium - Asiatic Pot Lily . Shorter growing varieties with upward facing, medium-sized flowers. Excellent for containers and good for naturalizing as well. Plant 1 per quart; 3 per gallon.
Hardy Lily Lilium Asiatic Matrix Orange® from Netherland Bulb
Slender stalks topped with a cluster of flowers. Easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun to partial sun. Plant lilies behind or even under perennials for a dramatic effect. Lilies may sprout, this is harmless to the bulb, do not remove sprout when planting. 12-14 …
Hardy Lily Lilium Asiatic Matrix Orange® from Netherland Bulb
Use a broad spectrum fungicide according to directions. Easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun to partial sun. and growing conditions in different parts of the country will affect height, bloom time, and color.
Golden Matrix Asiatic Lily - Plants4Home
‘Golden Matrix’ is a compact Asiatic hybrid with upward facing, bright yellow flowers bloom late spring to early summer. This size is not ready to ship. Please select another option. Easy to grow in most average well drained soils. Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system.
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