Lozen Tolruck - Wookieepedia
Lozen Tolruck was a male human that served the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War as a Grand Moff. In this position, he ruled as the governor of Kashyyyk, known as Imperial …
Lozen Tolruck's island fortress | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Lozen Tolruck's island fortress was a hidden fortress that Imperial Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck maintained on the planet Kashyyyk following the Battle of Endor. His fortress was fortified by …
Characters in Star Wars – Galactic Empire - TV Tropes
Lozen insists the Emperor is alive, although he is well aware Palpatine is dead, and has his followers do the same in order to keep morale up. However, he turns out to be unwittingly right …
Low-altitude Imperial transport | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Low-altitude Imperial transports—also known as LAITs—were vehicles used by the remnant of the Galactic Empire led by Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck. The design of the transport craft enabled …
Aftermath: Life Debt (Literature) - TV Tropes
Insane Admiral: Lozen Tolruck, Grand Moff of Kashyyyk. Likes hunting Wookies for sport, pretends the Emperor is still alive, willing to completely level the planet when it becomes clear …
YMMV / Aftermath: Life Debt - TV Tropes
Complete Monster: Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck conceals the fall of the Emperor from his own men to continue ruling over the planet Kashyyyk as its king. Forcing the Wookiee race into slave …
[Star Wars] Are there other grand moffs? : r/AskScienceFiction
Sep 28, 2017 · Yes. A Grand Moff is the chief military and civil leader of an Oversector, which is really just a large or politically important sector. At the time of the Battle of Yavin, there were …
Lozen Tolruck | Jedipedia - Fandom
Lozen Tolruck war ein männlicher Mensch, welcher dem Galaktischen Imperium während des Galaktischen Bürgerkrieges diente. Im Imperium hatte Tolruck den Rang eines Großmoffs …
Lozen Tolruck Profile by Hollowtaker on DeviantArt
Lozen Tolruck was a male human that served the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War as a Grand Moff. In this position, he ruled as the governor of Kashyyyk, known as Imperial …
Kashyyyk: Home Of The Wookies - Find Your Forces
Jan 30, 2019 · In a daring mission led by Han Solo and the legendary Wookie Chewbacca following the Battle of Endor, the Wookies would gain their independence through a revolt …