Smothered mate - Wikipedia
Philidor's mate, also known as Philidor's legacy, is a checkmating pattern that ends in smothered mate. This method involves checking with the knight forcing the king out of the corner of the …
The Smothered Mate or Philidor's Legacy - Chess.com
May 19, 2021 · The Smothered Mate, or Philidor's Legacy. by John A. Galbreath, New Orleans, La. This, at once the most elegant and interesting of chess endings, happens but seldom in …
François-André Danican Philidor - Wikipedia
François-André Danican Philidor (7 September 1726 – 31 August 1795), often referred to as André Danican Philidor during his lifetime, was a French composer and chess player. He …
Smothered Mate: Trapped with No Escape - chess-teacher.com
Oct 14, 2024 · One of the most famous smothered mates comes from a position known as Philidor’s Legacy, named after the legendary French chess player François-André Danican …
Mate de Philidor – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Em xadrez Mate de Philidor ou Mate Sufocado é uma expressão usada para denominar uma posição onde o rei de um dos lados leva mate de um Cavalo por estar preso por suas próprias …
Philidor's Mate - Chess Forums - Chess.com
Jul 8, 2008 · That is correct, this family of smothered mates, with a knight and queen working together to box the king in, with an eventual queen sacrifice and lone knight delivering …
Smothered mate - Chess Strategy Online
The most common sequence leading to smothered mate - which is worth the effort of memorising - is known as Philidor's legacy, after the 18th century player (and composer) François-André …
Mate de la coz - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
En ajedrez, el mate de la coz es un jaque mate en el que el caballo ataca al rey contrario, que no puede escapar de la amenaza al encontrarse rodeado por sus propias piezas. Suele …
El mal llamado mate de Philidor - Blogger
Apr 10, 2010 · El mal llamado mate de Philidor Escribe Roberto G. Grau en su Tratado General de Ajedrez, que es una "injusticia histórica" atribuirle a Philidor, el también conocido como …
Chess Basics #14: Mating patterns - Philidor's mate - YouTube
May 9, 2013 · In this episode, I give several examples of the mating pattern known as Philidor's mate, which is also called the smothered mate. It's an unusual looking ma...