Onetime accused child killer Megan Martzen arrested for
Mar 22, 2017 · Megan Martzen accepted involuntary manslaughter charges and no jail time after a hung jury in her murder trial. Pictures and home video clearly show the ugly aftermath.
EXCLUSIVE: Martzen opens up following the tragic death of her …
Feb 27, 2019 · Fresno, CA – The mother of the 8-year old Selma boy who was killed by a suspected drunk driver breaks her silence. Just moments after Megan Martzen was released from the hospital, she opened...
Babysitter Who Admitted Killing Infant Receives 3 Years …
May 1, 2013 · Megan Martzen is free on three years probation after admitting to killing a 17-month-old child in 2009. Ella VanLeeuwen was in Martzen's care when she was injured; Martzen claimed that Ella fell from her bed and she was unable to help, and Ella died from her injuries three days later.
Murder charges dropped against driver in crash that killed 8 …
Aug 13, 2019 · Police arrested the man who killed Maverick Martzen on DUI murder charges, but evidence showed the driver was not drunk. Maverick Martzen's parents had to deal with his death and their own...
Megan Martzen: Babysitter who admits killing toddler in her …
May 1, 2013 · Megan Martzen, who was accused of killing 17-month-old Ella VanLeeuwen in California in 2009, has been sentenced to three years' probation after pleading no contest to...
Megan Martzen Arrested for Death of Reedley Toddler - ABC7 …
Apr 28, 2010 · Martzen was babysitting the toddler when she suffered what the coroner described as blunt force trauma to the head and abdomen. The suspect, Megan Martzen has been under investigation for...
Ella VanLeeuwen parents break silence in Megan Martzen case
May 2, 2013 · Ella's babysitter, Megan Martzen, was charged with the toddler's murder, but ten out of twelve jurors found her not guilty of that crime.
Megan Martzen Accepts Plea – Putting Family First
FRESNO CA, (May 1, 2013) – Mrs. Megan Martzen was charged with second degree murder and child abuse homicide. The minimum sentence, if convicted of the charges, was 25 years to life in prison.
Megan Martzen may have deck stacked against her in murder trial
Feb 8, 2013 · Prosecutors blame Ella Van Leeuwen's death four years ago on her then-18-year-old babysitter, Megan Martzen. Ella was in Martzen's house when her deadly injuries happened and legal analyst...
Accused Reedley babysitter takes the stand - ABC7 New York
Feb 8, 2013 · 22-year-old Reedley resident Megan Martzen cried in court as the defense played back a frantic 9-1-1 phone call she made on the afternoon of February 21st, 2009. That's the day she claimed...