Logo | Brand Resource Center | Brand Resource Center - Meta
Unser Logo ist unser wichtigstes Marken-Asset. Wir verwenden es konsequent und bewusst als Symbol, um weltweit Milliarden von Menschen die Welt der sozialen Medien näherzubringen. Unser Logo hat sich im Laufe der Zeit verändert. Ausgehend von seinem historischen Look verwenden wir heute ein „f“ in einem blauen Kreis.
Logo | Brand Resource Center | Brand Resource Center - Meta
Our logo has evolved over time, building on our past heritage, using an 'f' within a blue circle. The current logo has been refined in shape and color to make it more accessible and legible. Always ensure you are using the current version of our logo in any new designs or communications. We're having trouble playing this video.
Meta brand resources and guidelines
The Meta logo. High-level details on how to use the Meta logo in your marketing and media communications is included below. Please work closely with your Meta contact for detailed guidelines and approvals.
Meta AI
Use Meta AI assistant to get things done, create AI-generated images for free, and get answers to any of your questions. Meta AI is built on Meta's latest Llama large language model and uses Emu, our...
Aus Facebook wurde Meta - Logo, zeichen, emblem, symbol.
Facebook beschloss, seinen Namen zu ändern. Das Unternehmen wird nun Meta heißen. Sein Logo wird ein mathematisches Unendlichkeitszeichen in einem blauen Farbverlauf sein. Trotz dieser drastischen Veränderungen hat sich die komplette Rebranding-Strategie und Mission des Unternehmens nicht geändert.
Meta | Logopedia | Fandom
Meta Platforms, Inc., doing business as Meta (formerly Facebook, Inc.), is an American multinational technology conglomerate holding company based in Menlo Park, California. It is the parent organization of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, among other subsidiaries.
File:Meta Platforms Inc. logo.svg - Wikipedia
This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain . Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions .
Was bedeutet Metas neues Logo? - MIXED
Nov 21, 2021 · Mit der Umbenennung Facebooks in Meta erhielt das Unternehmen auch ein neues Logo. Wofür steht es und wie entstand es?
Meta Logo - Logo, zeichen, emblem, symbol. Geschichte und …
Mar 20, 2022 · Meta ist die Abkürzung für Meta Platforms, Inc., die die Nachfolge von Facebook, Inc. Es ist eine multinationale US-Holdinggesellschaft – die Muttergesellschaft von Facebook, Oculus, WhatsApp, Instagram.
Meta Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand - Logos-world
Apr 24, 2024 · The Meta logo represents infinity, which in turn symbolizes limitless possibilities. This correlates with the huge number of applications owned by the company and designed for different ways of interacting with users. Meta is an American corporation that replaced Facebook, which was founded in 2004.