IT'S SHOWTIME! feat. Hatsune Miku - A Magical Mirai'19 osu! skin …
Dec 30, 2023 · I loooove your skin is it possible for you to make one for 21:9 screens? Thank you for your hard work!! <33 Last edited by TV_ToT 2024-10-28T01:08:01+00:00 , edited 1 time in total.
BiCute Bunnies # [16:10|16:9|4:3|5:4] (All Modes Skinned) - osu!
Just found this skin 2 weeks ago, this is the best Miku skin ever. Not absolutely overblown by Miku images and tastefully excellent design too (the menu sound effects and music are cherry on top). As a mania player, now i can read notes wonderfully. 29 - 35 scroll speed with my shite monitor is a breeze now.
feat. 初音ミク | All Modes | SD / HD | 16:9 / 16:10 / 21:9 - osu!
May 9, 2022 · The Miku skin from the Miku lover himself. Of course I would make a Miku skin one day. I also made a Preview Video for once, probably a bit weird but just an idea I had. Introducing Modules! After a couple months thinking about the idea for alternate versions of the skin, I finally decided to create Modules for the skin!
Hatsune Miku 3.0 | Miku x Cinnamoroll 16:9 | STD Only | HD/SD …
Sep 2, 2022 · I'm so glad that this skin turned out how I wanted it to and I hope you all like it as well. As the same in version 1.0 and 2.0, I have made a version of this skin for Arnold24x24, who's also currently know as [MG]HatsuneMiku ! The Arnold_old version is the gameplay from the older Miku skin. Here are the links: Screenshots. Gameplay. Downloads
VOCALOID』~ Hatsune Miku [ 初音ミク ] [4 VERSIONS] [HD
May 5, 2021 · I really liked the skin :D specially the hitsounds. The problem is that I play 25% music 100% effects and in certain beatmaps the hitsounds overlap the song and I cant hear anything. I just had to turn music to 50% to fix it
Miku Nakano # - [STD] [HD/SD] · forum | osu!
Jun 30, 2020 · its missing the back button and the hp bar for me, tried redownloadin it, didnt work (by missing, i mean its the back button and hp bar from the default osu skin), cant show screenshot because my pc cant take screenshots while in fs for some reasondelete the images that you do not have in play in the skin files with "@ 2x" it may work
Minimalist Miku [Final] [HD/SD] · forum - osu!
Apr 19, 2014 · go into the skin's folder and delete "menu-background.jpg" then try and add your own background again, should work i gave this a try but it still did not work i named it "menu-background You have to be a supporter in order to use menu-background.jpg in your skins.
notMiku | 16:9 | HD/SD | Animated | - osu!
Apr 28, 2021 · It literally made me better at game. Previously I was using Hatsune Miku Bluz but that skin didn't show different colors on notes and sliders , this made jumps quite harder. After installing this skin and trying map that had jumps that I couldn't pass , I finished it first try.
Clear Futuristic Miku V 2.0 [STD|CTB] [16:10|16:9] · forum - osu!
Dec 24, 2017 · Forums » osu! » Skinning » Completed Skins » Clear Futuristic Miku V 2.0 [STD|CTB] [16:10|16:9]
[STD][HD/SD][16:9] Hatsune Miku Glow · forum | osu!
The skin does provide a few customisation options, namely 2 types of approachcircles, 5 types of cursors, 3 types of default numbers and 2 types of reverse arrows. Please check them all out and mix and match them to your heart's content! Since this is my first skin to post in public, I'd love to get some feedback.