Our Nevada Judges
Providing the citizens of the State of Nevada with cases and articles to better clarify the competence and effectiveness of the courts and judges.
Listed are 2079 judges, of which 184 are active. Click here if you would like to see a list of cases. Click here if you would like to see a list of jurisdictions.
About - Our Nevada Judges
The Commmission on Judicial Discipline serves the public by providing oversight of the judiciary (much like the State Bar Of Nevada provides oversight of attorneys). When a judge is found guilty of violating the Judicial Canon, the Commission imposes discipline and (with rare exceptions) publishes their opinion for the public.
Supreme Court Rules 229-246, inclusive, at the discretion of the judge, and is subject to reconsideration upon motion of any party to the action. Media access may be revoked if it is shown that access is distracting the participants, ... Alex Falconi Our Nevada Judges, Inc. 13 Mark Denton 6 January 25 December 24 702-374-3530 Hearing unexpected ...
Tilman, Christopher Randolph - Our Nevada Judges
Jan 6, 2025 · This Justice Of The Peace was elected to the Boulder City Justice Court, Dept 1 for a term from Jan 6, 2025 to Jan 6, 2031. This judge has an error rate of 00.00% on 0 cases, and 7 articles, 11 endorsements.
Judges, Page 11 - Our Nevada Judges
Listed are 2078 judges, of which 184 are active. Click here if you would like to see a list of cases. Click here if you would like to see a list of jurisdictions.
Staff - Our Nevada Judges
A list of our staff. Alice Denton Director. Alice is the owner of The Law Offices of Denton Cho.
Nevada Judges”) Motion to Unseal filed February 24, 2022. THE COURT FURTHER FINDS Our Nevada Judges filed a Second Motion to requesting that this matter be further unsealed pursuant to the Nevada Supreme Court Rules Governing Sealing and Redacting Court Records (“SRCR”). Our Nevada Judges also sought an Order to Show Cause against the Eighth
Election: 2024 - ournevadajudges.com
District Court Judge of the Eighth Judicial District Court. Dept.: N (Family Division) A general election is pending.This election was bypassed. This usually occurs when law permits declaring an unopposed candidate the winner. General Election. Maxey, Kerri J …
party Our Nevada Judges, Inc. (“ONJ”). ONJ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit with a stated mission to provide the general public with an effective means of evaluating Nevada judges by providing cases, articles, election coverage, and videos to the public. To