ฅ(•ㅅ• ) ฅ nyan nyan Emoticon Meaning and Examples - FastEmote
The ฅ(•ㅅ• ) ฅ emote, also known as the nyan nyan emote, is a Japanese emoticon that depicts a cat face with closed eyes and paws raised in excitement. It is often used to convey happiness, excitement, or cuteness in online communication.
Nyan Cat Eyes by KatieAlves on DeviantArt
Nov 14, 2011 · It's Nyan Cat! I've got Nyan cat shooting rainbows out it's butt, with the background bubbles on both eyes! I wore this design for Halloween night, with my costume!
nyan.mp3 – Cat Eyes Lyrics - Genius
Cat Eyes Lyrics: Ты сидишь, а я тупо смотрю / На твои кошачьи глаза / Я не знаю, что я там найду / Я не знаю, что там ...
Sad Nyan Cat | Nyan Cat Wiki - Fandom
Sad Nyan Cat is a nyan cat that appears on the Nyan.cat website. This variant of the famous Pop-Tart cat is a minor edit of Nyan Cat with a sad expression, The eyes are closed, the mouth is not smiling, and there is no rainbow trail.
Blueberry Pancake Nyan | Nyan Cat Wiki | Fandom
Flopsy appears as a standard nyan cat with white fur and a rectangular-shaped pancake as a torso. She has pastel blue blush and a little leaf on her head. Her eyes are usually closed and her mouth sits in a upside-down V shape.
ฅ(⊝ᆽ⊝) Big eyes nyan Emoticon Meaning and Examples
The "ฅ(⊝ᆽ⊝)" emote, also known as the "Big eyes nyan" emote, features a cat face with large, round eyes and a closed mouth. It is often used to express cuteness, surprise, or innocence in online communication.
Nyan Cat eyes - YouTube
Nyan Cat
(ミㆁ ﻌ ㆁミ)∫ Nyan, nyan, cat Emoticon Meaning and Examples
The "(ミㆁ ﻌ ㆁミ)∫" emote or "Nyan, nyan, cat" emote is a Japanese emoticon featuring a cat with a happy expression, often used to convey cuteness, happiness, or playfulness. The word "nyan" is an onomatopoeic representation of a cat's meow in Japanese.
Oscillo-nyan | Nyan Cat Wiki | Fandom
Oscillo-nyan appears as a robotic variant of a normal cat, having dark grey "fur" and a screen replacing their face. Their eyes, nose and mouth glow a bright green alongside dark green blush. Their torso is a oscilloscope, a device used to project sounds into waves and other shapes.
Nyan Cat - Know Your Meme
Nyan Cat, also known as Pop Tart Cat, is an 8-bit animation depicting a cat with the body of a cherry Pop-Tart flying through outer space.