Nymeria - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Princess Nymeria of Ny Sar was a princess of the Rhoynar. After the Rhoyne was conquered by the Valyrian Freehold, Nymeria led the Rhoynar to Dorne, where she took Lord Mors Martell of the Sandship as her husband. [1]
Nymeria - Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
Nymeria was the warrior-queen who led the Rhoynar refugees to Dorne a thousand years ago. She is an ancestor of House Martell and House Dayne, and is seen as the founder of Dorne as a unified realm under Martell rule. Nymeria leading the …
Nymeria's War - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
After years of wandering, the surviving Rhoynar, mostly women, children, and the elderly, landed at the mouth of the Greenblood in southeastern Dorne. Nymeria made common cause with Mors Martell, Lord of the Sandship, whose lands were dwarfed by those of powerful kings such as House Yronwood.
Sand Snakes | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
Named after the Rhoynar warrior-Queen Nymeria, the original ruling Princess of Dorne. Strangled to death and hanged by Euron Greyjoy. { Tyene Sand }, the third Sand Snake, mothered by Ellaria Sand.
Ten thousand ships - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
After years of arduous journeys full of storm, disease, and slavery, Nymeria led the surviving Rhoynar to Dorne in southern Westeros. Some Rhoynish ships landed on the Stepstones or surrendered to slavers from Lys and Tyrosh, but the remaining ships landed at the mouth of the Greenblood in Dorne.
House Martell | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
House Martell started out as local kings in Dorne, which was long divided between many petty kings of the First Men and Andals. About a thousand years ago, Rhoynar refugees fleeing conquest by the Valyrian Freehold in Essos migrated across the Narrow Sea to Dorne, led by their warrior-queen Nymeria.
Who Is Princess Nymeria? 8 Questions About Her Answered
Mar 31, 2021 · Nymeria was the master of the Rhoynar refugees and is known as the father of reunited Dorne in the A Song of Ice and Fire books. Nymeria was the reigning Princess of Ny Sar until the Valyrians routed the Rhoynar city-states’ alliance.
Nymeria | A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki | Fandom
Nymeria was an ancient queen of the Rhoynar who took Dorne, partially by allying herself with House Martell through marriage to Mors Martell. With his help, she took the rest of Dorne. Many Dornishmen can trace their roots back to the Rhoynar. Arya Stark named her …
When the Valyrian Freehold conquered the Rhoyne with their dragons, Nymeria led the surviving Rhoynar into exile from Essos. For a time Nymeria and her refugees lived on Abulu, one of the Summer Islands now known as the Isle of Women.
Dorne - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Led by their legendary warrior-queen, Nymeria, they left in a fleet of ten thousand ships, eventually making landfall at the mouth of the Greenblood in Dorne. Nymeria allied with Lord Mors Martell of the Sandship, and with his support conquered the entire peninsula in Nymeria's War, uniting it with House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear as its ruler.