Looking for awesome visual beatmaps! · forum | osu!
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/855677#osu/1787848 there's lots. if you want more hmu or download the "mappers guild" packs in the maps section edit: if you want more 'down to earth'-good mapping try monstrata's maps (especially his longer ones)
beatmap listing - osu!
Beatmaps Listing
osu! - YouTube
Installation/Account Setup/Beatmap Downloads. what is lazer? osu!academy Episode 2 - Standard GameplaySettings Adjustments!! this is osu!.
How to make video files for osu! | railgun.site
Jun 24, 2021 · How to make video files for osu! Videos are a great way to add personality to your map. They have been used since 2007 and enable you to create mapping structures based on the video. New mappers tend to exclude the video from their sets, possibly because they don't know how to make them.
How do I insert an video into osu! for your beatmap?
There is a button called "Insert Background". When clicked, a dialog box will appear, allowing you to browse to the image or video you want added. The image/video will automatically be copied into the song folder, and will be included when submitting your beatmap. Some notes: Images can be in JPG or PNG format.
o!rdr is a free osu! replay video generator, with an easy-to-use API. No watermarks, lots of customisation, nice Discord embeds, uses danser!
adding a video to a downloaded beatmap : r/osumapping - Reddit
Oct 1, 2020 · so basically i want to know how i can add a video to a downloaded beatmap from the official site, i tried inserting one but it doesn't show up i only get a black background.
stream maps - osu!Collector
Download maps Add to osu Favorite (1) No comments. Be the first to leave a comment! Sort by: Artist: A-Z Title Mapper Stars BPM Length. Shoujo-tachi no Majogari-45. Mapped by Dada. 4:14. 165 bpm.
osu!Collector | Find osu! beatmap collections
Find osu! beatmap collections and tournaments. maps that are fun or wanna have cool scores on, most are dt
osuTAGger - GitHub Pages
Online tool to automatically split an osu! beatmap for practicing/testing/making video for TAG maps. Upload a file Read file