People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
It's too easy to escape scrutiny if you're a laboratory that harms dogs and cats. PETA Vice President Dr. Alka Chandra discusses what a PETA undercover investigator found at this lab.
Join PETA’s Action Team to Help Animals
PETA’s Action Team helps people advocate for animals. Whether you’re a seasoned activist or just getting started, we’re here to support you in your activism. Here are a few of the ways we’ll help you once you sign up: We’ll offer you a free activist starter kit (pictured below).
Meet the Team - PETA
There are many different teams at PETA whose members are excited to help you get active for animals—or up your activism game! Whether you are looking to plan a protest or are a student interested in informing your peers about animal rights issues, there’s someone who can help you make that happen.
PETA Names Top Animal Rights Activists of 2020 | PETA
When the whole world came to a halt, they enthusiastically worked with PETA to win major campaigns. Today, PETA honors these Outstanding Activist Award winners for their impressive efforts. Read on to find out which activists won big for …
Everyday Activism - PETA
PETA has all the information that you’ll need to hold a successful demonstration. Promote animal rights on cable-access TV. Expose thousands of people to the plight of animals on factory and fur farms, in laboratories, and in circuses by organizing your own cable-access television show.
Animal Rights and Campaign News | PETA
PETA’s blog is your source for information about PETA’s campaigns, breaking news about animals, and animal rights information from around the globe. Visit PETA Living for the latest …
About PETA | PETA.org
PETA works through public education, investigative newsgathering and reporting, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns. Since its inception in 1980, PETA has continually won groundbreaking victories on behalf of animals
Holding a Demonstration - PETA
Grassroots work is essential to the success of the animal rights movement, and PETA is committed to helping activists fight to protect animal rights.
Frequently Asked Questions - PETA
What is PETA’s Action Team? PETA’s Action Team advocates for animals by taking action on animal rights issues and championing PETA’s national campaigns, which oppose speciesism in laboratories, the food industry, fashion, and entertainment.
PETA Members Actively Promote Animal Rights
Seeing a classmate in a “This Is Vivisection” T-shirt decades ago led PETA Global editor Robyn Wesley to become an activist! Check out a wide selection of shirts and other items at the PETA Shop.