Do you pace around the house alot? | Asperger's & Autism …
Apr 5, 2008 · All the time. In small circles, in big circles, around things (like benches at bus stops, or poles), anything so's I'm pacing. I do it during conversations and get asked to stop. I do it near my father and get told to stop.
pacing around aimlessly in the house. A form of stereotype?
Jan 17, 2018 · pacing around aimlessly in the house. ... It's not just walking around. it has some sort of rhythm to it ...
Pacing--What does it mean? | Asperger's & Autism Community
Jul 31, 2010 · When I go to stores I usually end up doing several laps around the store for every one thing I buy. I get told (I look lost very often)! When I am alone it is a lot worse. Is there any effective way to control pacing it takes up a lot of my time and once I start it is hard to stop. Edit: Just realize I do go counter clockwise almost every time!
Pacing back and forth and talking to yourself. - Wrong Planet
Nov 12, 2015 · Pacing seems to be a common thing among autistics. In the shower I don't talk to myself per se, rather repeat the same music loop/sentence over and over again, 'cause I'm uncreative like that. Otherwise I sometimes verbally respond to what's on my mind at the moment, but that's often highly incoherent in structure, hence difficult to make sense ...
pacing compulsively | Asperger's & Autism Community - Wrong …
Jul 25, 2016 · jabt123 Emu Egg. Joined: 18 Oct 2011 Age: 30 Gender: Male Posts: 4 Location: springfield, oregon
Excessive Daydreaming and Pacing | Asperger's & Autism …
Oct 17, 2010 · I'm actually trying not to cry right now, I was just wandering around the internet, trying to find an explanation for my compulsive pacing, and I see all these people talking about ritualized pacing and excessive daydreaming and compulsively listening to music. And I could've written it all myself. I never stop daydreaming.
Talking and laughing...to himself | Asperger's & Autism …
Nov 1, 2009 · There was a time we tried to squash it, he's up and over the furniture and everyting, but then I realized it might be self-calming, and experimented with actually encouraging it. Bingo, less meltdowns. The whole pacing-talking combination for him is something he actually needs to do, not just some odd habit. We did teach him time and place ...
pacing while talking on the phone | Asperger's & Autism …
Nov 6, 2006 · I am rarely still when on the phone, i will walk up the stairs and down the stairs and in the kitchen i will only stand on certain squares, my pacing is worse when i have to talk to a stranger or a call center, i get very nervous and the pacing stops me from stuttering as much, at least, that's what i tell myself.
Was I 2E? Or was I given a false "gifted" label in school?
May 1, 2023 · If anything my "masking" was just not speaking to anyone, but the thing is i never had much interest in speaking to others anyway, i was more interested in my own obsession (whatever it was at the time, but for most of my childhood it was prehistoric life and stats of wildlife), so i was usually pacing around the playground or reading a book ...
Hello | Asperger's & Autism Community - Wrong Planet
Feb 5, 2025 · This is because we have multiple brains. Some exist on the left side of our skull and others on the right side. So let me pass onto you the name of a very good book that might provide you some insight. The book is by a medical doctor from one of the top medical schools in the U.S. She suffered a massive stroke around age 35.