What Is the Passover? - JW.ORG
On the first Passover, the Jews splashed some of its blood on their doorposts and the upper part of their doorway, roasted the animal whole, and ate it. — Exodus 12: 3-9 . Meal: In addition to the lamb (or goat), the Israelites ate unleavened bread and bitter greens as …
Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper ... - JW.ORG
The Scriptures compare Jesus’ sacrifice to that of the Passover lamb. ( 1 Corinthians 5: 7, 8 ) The Passover was observed once each year. ( Exodus 12: 1-6; Leviticus 23:5 ) Likewise, the Memorial of Jesus’ death was observed once each year by the early Christians, c and Jehovah’s Witnesses follow that Bible-based pattern.
The Lord’s Evening Meal —An Observance That Honors God
Hence, both the bread and the wine are only symbols. The bread symbolizes Christ’s perfect body. Jesus used a loaf of bread left over from the Passover meal. The loaf was made without any leaven, or yeast. (Exodus 12:8) The Bible often uses leaven as a symbol of sin or corruption. The bread therefore represents the perfect body that Jesus ...
The Passover —‘This Is to Be a Memorial for You’ | Study - JW.ORG
Dec 15, 2013 · Nisan 14 was the day of the actual Passover, but the name Passover could be applied to all eight days of the festival. (Ex. 12:14-17; Luke 22:1; John 18:28; 19:14) The Passover was one of the appointed festivals (“anniversaries,” The Bible in Living English) that the Hebrews were to celebrate each year. —2 Chron. 8:13. 7.
Holidays and Celebrations - JW.ORG
Holidays and Celebrations. The fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not participate in most holiday observances and other celebrations can be somewhat perplexing to a teacher.
Memorial of Jesus’ Death - JW.ORG
We invite you to meet with us on Saturday, April 12, 2025, as we observe the anniversary of Jesus’ death. Learn how his death can benefit you and your family.
Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website: jw.org | English
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news.
Jesus Feeds Thousands | Children’s Bible Lessons - JW.ORG
Andrew said: ‘We have five loaves of bread and two small fish. That is not nearly enough.’ Jesus said: ‘Bring me the bread and the fish.’ He told the people to sit on the grass in groups of 50 and of 100. Jesus took the loaves and fish, looked up to heaven, and prayed. Then he gave the food to the apostles, and they handed it out to the ...
2025 Governing Body Update #1 - JW.ORG
Jan 31, 2025 · In this update, we will see how we can use “Truths We Love to Teach” in appendix A of the brochure Love People—Make Disciples.
Mark 14 | Online Bible | New World Translation
The day mentioned here refers to Nisan 14 because it is said to be the day when they customarily offered up the Passover sacrifice. ( Ex 12:6, 15, 17, 18; Le 23:5; De 16:1-8 ) What is described in verses 12-16 likely took place on the afternoon of Nisan 13 in preparation for the Passover, which was celebrated “after evening had fallen” at ...