Pineweed, Orangegrass - Hypericum gentianoides - US Wildflower
With the exception of the yellow flowers, Hypericum gentianoides plants appear very pine needle-like, giving the Pineweed common name.
Hypericum gentianoides (Pineweed) - FSUS
Common name: Pineweed, Orange-grass, Orangeweed. Phenology: Jul-Oct. Habitat: Fields, rock outcrops, woodland borders, eroding areas, pond margins, pine flatwoods. Distribution: ME and ON west to MN, south to s. FL and TX. Origin/Endemic status: Native.
Hypericum gentianoides (Pineweed) - FloraFinder
Feb 16, 2025 · Hypericum gentianoides (L.) Britton Sterns & Poggenb. Pineweed (also called orange grass) is a native of North America. Plants: I first noticed pineweed because of its tiny red fruits, growing on thin plants that seem to consist of stems without leaves.
Hypericum gentianoides - Protecting the New Jersey Pinelands and Pine …
Herbaceous member of the St. John’s wort family. Fruits are more noticeable than flowers being bright red. Matures in fall. Flowers are yellow and small. Leaves are repressed. Grows in bare and open sites. Flowers only open in sun. Commercially available landscape plant?
Hypericum gentianoides - Wikipedia
Hypericum gentianoides is a species of flowering plant in the St. John's wort family Hypericaceae. Its common names include orangegrass and pineweed. Native to eastern North America, it ranges from Ontario; Nova Scotia and Maine south to Florida, west to Texas, and north to Missouri and Minnesota. [1][2]
Hypericum gentianoides - Coastal Plain Plants Wiki
Aug 2, 2024 · Specimens have been collected from loamy loose sand, wet pine flatwoods, longleaf pine depression, and sandhills. H. gentianoides exhibited mixed responses to soil disturbance by agriculture in South Carolina longleaf pinelands. It has shown both resistance to regrowth and regrowth in reestablished native longleaf pine habitat that was ...
pineweed (Hypericum gentianoides) - Botanical Realm
Pineweed (Hypericum gentianoides) is a fascinating and often overlooked plant that captures the attention of botany enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Known
Hypericum gentianoides page
Aug 24, 2004 · It is a characteristic species of glades and rocky open areas having acidic soils. The plant can be easily identified by its habitat, wiry and much-branched stems, and small yellow flowers. In the fall the stems and leaves turn deep red in color. Photographs taken off Lee Rd 10, Lee County, AL., 8-24-04 (DETenaglia).
Pineweed - Middle Way Nature Reserve
Identification: Similar looking to a ground pine, this tiny-leafed upright plant's stems and leaves appear scaly and almost like pineneedles (hence the name). It has small star-shaped yellow flowers that open in the summer, and then tiny red fruit capsules that almost look like bugs along the stems later in the season.
Pineweed (Hypericum gentianoides) - iNaturalist
Hypericum gentianoides is a species of St. John's wort native to eastern North America. Its common names include orangegrass and pineweed. It is a 10–40 cm tall herb with repressed …