The SBB online portal for timetable, trains and public transport
Half Fare & GA Travelcards, tickets, excursions, city breaks, event tickets & information on stations, disruptions & the timetable.
Portail en ligne des CFF pour horaires, trains et transports publics - SBB
Infos sur les abos demi-tarif, AG, billets, excursions, voyages intervilles, billets événementiels, gares, dérangements et horaire.
Buy travelcards and tickets online | SBB
How to buy tickets and travelcards at SBB.ch. SBB.ch provides the widest range of public transport tickets online. Whether it's tickets, travelcards, seat reservations for Switzerland, subscriptions for regional fare networks or tickets for travel to …
Das Online-Portal der SBB für Fahrplan, Zug und ÖV
Alles über Halbtax, GA, Billette, Ausflüge, Städtereisen und Event-Tickets sowie Infos zu Bahnhöfen, Störungen & Fahrplan.
Tickets for Switzerland - SBB
SBB offers a wide range of tickets for travel by public transport in Switzerland. Most of them online or in the app. Point-to-point tickets. A ticket for a single journey or a return trip for you or your bike: the classic Point-to-Point Ticket. Supersaver tickets. Would you also like to travel through Switzerland at the lowest fares?
PDF timetables - SBB
Discover the print versions of our departure boards and network maps. Personal timetable. You can create your personal and free timetable quite simple via the browser and then download the PDF files. Direct long-distance connections. The interactive network map shows all available direct connections for your line or departure station.
Swiss Federal Railways - Wikipedia
Swiss Federal Railways (German: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen, SBB; [b] French: Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses, CFF; [c] Italian: Ferrovie federali svizzere, FFS [d]) [1] is the national railway company of Switzerland. The company was founded in 1902 and is headquartered in Bern. [8]
Affiches des départs et plans du réseau de lignes | CFF - SBB
Vous trouverez ici des affiches des départs CFF (tableaux horaires des CFF au format PDF) et des plans du réseau de lignes pour les gares des CFF.
Title: SBB long-distance service network map. Author: SBB CFF FFS Subject: Trafimage maps and station plans. Keywords: Trafimage; SBB; map; maps; network map; track network; network maps; publication maps; overview map; web map; web maps; area of validity maps; area of validity map; map of the area of validity
Nuove locomotive Stadler per il Traffico merci FFS | FFS News
Sep 26, 2024 · Foto: SBB/CFF/FFS Fino a 129 nuove locomotive di linea Stadler Rail per il Traffico merci FFS Il Traffico merci delle FFS rinnova la propria flotta acquistando fino a 129 moderne locomotive di linea da Stadler Rail.