Unconsciously jumping into someone's arm - WordReference …
Feb 7, 2021 · ADDED: We'd say that the scared person clutches the next person's arm. Last edited: Feb 7, 2021. Reactions
Tenerle miedo a las alturas | WordReference Forums
Apr 9, 2014 · The scared person is the subject of the verb. So I guess your sentence would be "Le tengo miedo a las alturas". Sooner or later someone is going to ask why the indirect object pronoun "le" is singular in form, when it represents the plural "a las alturas".
words to descibe you are scared | WordReference Forums
May 2, 2005 · hi all, i find there're some interesting ways to say somebody is scared, for example, we can say someone is wet-pants scared of something (i think it's rather imformal, but it's sooo funny;)...), we can also say something scares the guts out of somebody ( i hope this expression exists , correct...
blij, bang, boos (glad, scared, angry) | WordReference Forums
Jun 8, 2013 · In Dutch there are three key adjectives beginning with a B: blij (glad - with something), bang (scared, afraid - of), boos (angry - with, though also evil). How do you translate those in your language? Please don't mix up glad and happy. I am always referring to moods, passing feelings, not...
can be frightened easily | WordReference Forums
Jul 7, 2009 · Hi there, What would you call a person who can be frightened easily? - Jim pulled a prank again on me the other day, I got terribly scared, I'm getting tired of him, despite the fact that he knows that I'm ..... , he still does it.. Thank you
A person who likes being frightened | WordReference Forums
Mar 31, 2017 · Crazy person? (joking about that last one) Packard Senior Member. USA, English Mar 31, 2017 #5 pob14 said: ...
Have you just seen that?! / Did you just see that?! p. perfect in 1st ...
Jan 21, 2016 · Dear all, could you please explain why present perfect is not used in the 2nd person in Have you (just) seen that?! but rather people say Did you just see that? where they would say I have just seen a UFO. Context: an UFO has just landed (it has just happened + it has an extreme relevance)...
scare somebody half to death | WordReference Forums
Dec 28, 2007 · 1a) scared her hafl to death vs 1b) scared her to death (3,340 / 1,100) However, I get opposite results for 2a) She was scared half to death vs 2b) She was scared to death. (2,270 / 17,800) Very schematically, I'd say that 1b probably sounds a bit short while 2a sounds a bit long.
Words and phrases for husbands who are scared of their wives
Aug 11, 2014 · Su Shi, one of the best-known Chinese poets and a close friend of Chen during their youth, wrote a poem about Chen Jichang when the met after many years. He described as a howling lion from the east of the river. Now, a husband scared of his wife may fear the 'howl of the lion from the east of the river' 河東獅吼 河东狮吼 Hé dōng shī ...
scared, afraid, frightened of Ving / to V (gerund / infinitive)
Dec 18, 2011 · She was scared of crossing the road = it is the action that frightens her. Once she has completed the action, the fear will be gone. She was scared to cross the road = she is afraid of the consequences. For example: She was scared to cross the road because a group of rough-looking youths were standing there.