Porpoise - Wikipedia
Porpoises are abundant and found in a multitude of environments, including rivers (finless porpoise), coastal and shelf waters (harbour porpoise, vaquita) and open ocean (Dall's …
Meet the Species - Seacoast Science Center
Seal species seen in the coastal waters of New England include the harbor, gray, harp, and hooded seals, depending on the time of year. It is normal for seal species to be seen on land. …
Grey seal attacks on harbour porpoises in the Eastern Scheldt: …
In the southern North Sea, hundreds of mutilated harbour porpoise carcasses (Phocoena phocoena) are found each year on beaches. Recent studies have confirmed that these …
Harbor porpoises and seal bombs - MBARI
Aug 4, 2020 · The new paper suggests that the sounds of seal bombs may pose a threat to harbor porpoises that is less severe, but also harder to quantify. The MBNMS Sanctuary …
Exposing the grey seal as a major predator of harbour porpoises
The recent detection of grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) DNA in bite marks on three mutilated harbour porpoises, as well as direct observations of grey seal attacks on porpoises, have …
Seals and porpoises in Zeeland
Would you like to see some seals and porpoises with your own eyes? Yes, you can! The majority of seals in the Voordelta part of the North Sea coastal zone of the Netherlands. But you can …
Gray seals snack on harbor porpoises - Science News
Jan 27, 2014 · In a first for science, an adult gray seal was spotted attacking a harbor porpoise off the coast of France in the English Channel on April 19, 2013. The seal first attacked from …
Assessing harbour porpoise carcasses potentially subjected to grey seal …
Porpoise carcasses potentially subject to grey seal predation show severe lacerations, with large parts of skin and underlying tissue being detached from the body. Loss of blubber tissue is …
Harbour porpoises have a new enemy: They grey seal - sdu
Biologists have long suspected this, but now there is DNA evidence: Grey seals hunt, kill and eat harbor porpoises. 10-15 years ago there were no gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Danish …
Did Grey Seals Mutilate Two Harbour Porpoises? - National …
Dec 20, 2012 · The gap between the paired punctures—four to five centimetres wide—rules out the smaller harbour seal. By process of elimination, Haelters thinks the grey seal must have …