Skagos - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Skagos is a large island in the mouth of the Bay of Seals. In theory, the island is part of the north and subject to House Stark of Winterfell. However, the island has little contact with mainland Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms, and in practice the Skagosi rule themselves.[1] The island's name means "stone" in the Old Tongue.[2]
Skagos - Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Skagos is nominally part of the North and is ruled by House Stark of Winterfell. However, in practice Skagos is located so far away from the centers of civilization that its inhabitants are virtually ignored and allowed to pursue their own customs and practices. According to myth, unicorns live on Skagos.
Kingshouse - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Kingshouse is the seat of House Magnar on the island Skagos in the north. References
Kingshouse | Thegreatgame Wiki | Fandom
Kingshouse is the ancestral castle and seat of power of House Magnar and served as the the seat of the Kings of Stone and Sea. It is located on the isle of Skagos, on the East Coast, between Deepdown and Driftwood Hall.
Driftwood Hall - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Driftwood Hall is the seat of House Stane on the island of Skagos in the north. References
Geographic Map 4: The Wall & Skagos | Atlas of Ice and Fire
Jan 18, 2017 · The island of Skagos, located in the Bay of Seals off the north-eastern coast of Westeros. Locations on Skagos are highly speculative and should not be relied upon.
Skagos - Thegreatgame Wiki
The large island is located in the mouth of the Bay of Seals, off the northeastern coast of Westeros. Nearby is the isle Skane and beyond it is the Shivering Sea. Skagos is mountainous and forbidding with rough and treacherous currents around the isle.
House Stark | Seven Kingdoms Wiki | Fandom
Kingshouse, the main castle of Skagos, proved to be a far harder nut to crack, mainly because meanwhile the Skagosi received reinforcment from the Magnar and the Wildlings.
Skagos | Seven Kingdoms Wiki - Fandom
Skagos is a large island in the mouth of the Bay of Seals, off the north-eastern coast of Westeros. Nearby to the north is the island of Skane and on its west is the Shivering Sea. The island is mountainous and forbidding with rough and treacherous currents around the islands.
House Crowl | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Crowl of Deepdown is a noble house from the North and reluctantly sworn to House Stark. They're one of the three major clans from the island of Skagos, and only hold nominal loyalty to Winterfell. Their seat of Deepdown isn't a castle, but is built within a deep cave. Their sigil is ply...
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