Sungas and Kanvas – SELF STUDY HISTORY
Mar 7, 2015 · In short, the Sunga rule was a brilliant anticipation of the golden age of the Guptas. Bronze coin of the Sunga period, Eastern India. 2nd–1st century BCE. Cultural contributions of Sungas: Art, education, philosophy, and other learning flowered during this period. Most notably, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and Mahabhasya were composed in this ...
Borneo, Stealer of Hearts – Up the Katibas River
Oct 10, 2011 · The Katibas is located in Central Sarawak and pours its waters through 200 km of deep tropical rainforest, soft muddy banks, rocky outcrops, rapids and countless pebbles and sand bars. It is in the middle of a territory peopled by the Iban, a fabled tribe of Borneo whose most notorious claim to fame is a history of head-hunting during warfare ...
Sungai Katibas - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Sungai Katibas (Jawi: سوڠاي كاتيبس) atau Batang Katibas (Jawi: باتڠ كاتيبس) ialah sebatang sungai di negeri Sarawak, Malaysia. Ia merupakan anak sungai Batang Rajang.
10 Sunga, Kanva and Satavahana dynasties - INFLIBNET Centre
Sunga Dynasty (185 to 73 BCE) The Sungas were the immediate successors of the Mauryas in North India, a Brahmin family of obscure origin. Pushyamitra Sunga laid the foundation of a new dynasty in Magadha known as the Sunga dynasty.
The Sungas and Kanavas - The History Files
Aug 2, 2009 · Whatever the truth might be, there is evidence which reveals that the construction of the great Buddhist stupa at Bharhut took place during the reign of the Sungas. The great grammarian Patanjali was a contemporary of Pushyamitra.
paren nyawi's blog: Balang (Balai Nyabong )of Katibas.
May 14, 2013 · The Katibas is an important tributary of the longest river of Malaysia, the Rejang, and is home to the native Iban of Sarawak. Along its banks and tributaries are scores of longhouses of all sizes . He is the one who's helping Rajah Charles Brooke during The Great Kayan Expedition of 1863.
Sungai Katibas (location 16). Photo by C.Y. Choong.
Download scientific diagram | Sungai Katibas (location 16). Photo by C.Y. Choong. from publication: Odonata from the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary, Sarawak | Records of Odonata from the Lanjak ...
Iban unrest in the Katibas Rivers - Ibanology
Jun 28, 2013 · Due to the revolt of the Katibas Iban, the upper Batang Ai Iban under chief Ngumbang, while reinforcing their relatives, were attacked by the Rajah in 1868. These troubles were the first signs of what became continuing unrest in the headwaters of the Batang Ai and the Batang Rajang which was to last until 1919.
Sungai Katibas log debris not from logging activities, says …
Mar 6, 2024 · The “massive” log debris in Sungai Katibas in central Sarawak is not due to any logging activities along the tributary of the Rajang River, state Forestry Department director Datuk Hamden Mohammad clarified today.
The Sungas and the Kanvas of Magadha | Indian History
In this article we will discuss about the role of sungas and kanvas of magadha in Indian history. The Sungas (187-75 B.C.): I. Pushyamitra (187-151 B.C.): The Buddhist text, Divvavadana described that the Sungas belonged to the Maurya-family. But historians do not accept this view.