What Does the Bible Say About Tattoos? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG
(Proverbs 21:5) The decision to get a tattoo is often made in haste, yet it can have a long-term impact on relationships and employment. And tattoos can be costly and painful to remove. Research—as well as the booming business of tattoo removal—shows that a large number of those who get tattoos eventually wish that they hadn’t.
Leviticus 19 | Online Bible | New World Translation
19 Jehovah spoke further to Moses, saying: 2 “Speak to the entire assembly of the Israelites and tell them, ‘You should be holy, because I, Jehovah your God, am holy.+ 3 “‘Each of you should respect* his mother and his father,+ and you should keep my sabbaths.+ I am Jehovah your God. 4 Do not turn to worthless gods+ or make for yourselves gods of cast metal.+ I am Jehovah …
What Does 666 Mean? What Is the Mark of the Beast? | Bible …
Likewise, rather than being something literal such as a 666 tattoo, the mark of the beast symbolically identifies those who let the political system rule their lives. Those with the mark of the beast place themselves in opposition to God. —Revelation 14: 9, 10; 19:19- 21.
Tattoos: Think Before You Ink | Worksheets for Teenagers
A worksheet to help you reason on the consequences of getting a tattoo. Download. Related Topics
Enjoy Life Forever!—An Interactive Bible Course - JW.ORG
The ‘Enjoy Life Forever’ textbook in the Teaching Toolbox is designed to be used during a personal Bible study as part of our free Bible study program.
Demos gloria a Jehová | Estudio de La Atalaya - JW.ORG
2 En la Biblia, la palabra gloria puede referirse a lo que hace que alguien sea impresionante. Poco después de que la nación de Israel fue liberada de la esclavitud en Egipto, Jehová mostró su gloria de una manera espectacular.
The New World Translation (Study Edition) | NWT Study Bible
This free online study Bible is an accurate, easy-to-read study edition of the Holy Bible. It includes pictures, footnotes, cross-references, and additional study tools.
Memorial of Jesus’ Death - JW.ORG
We invite you to meet with us on Saturday, April 12, 2025, as we observe the anniversary of Jesus’ death. Learn how his death can benefit you and your family.
Give Glory to Jehovah | Watchtower Study - JW.ORG
4 When Jesus was on earth, he glorified his Father by acknowledging Him as the Source of his miracles. (Mark 5:18-20) Jesus also brought glory to Jehovah by the way he spoke about his Father and the way he treated others.
Canción 159: Demos gloria a Jehová | Canción cristiana - JW.ORG
No hay nadie como Jehová, lo queremos muchísimo y por eso queremos darle gloria.