Taonga: die Inselfarm - Taonga: the Island Farm
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Taonga: die Inselfarm - Taonga: the Island Farm
Baue Feldfrüchte an, kümmere dich um Tiere, sammle Ressourcen und stelle Waren her, die du zum Handeln mit vorbeifahrenden Schiffen und benachbarten Dörfern benutzen kannst!
About the Game - Taonga: the Island Farm
Follow hidden clues to uncover island secrets and find valuable treasures. Your adventures will lead you to hidden caves, ancient ruins, and magical places across the seas, where amazing rewards await you.
News - Taonga: the Island Farm
Looking for a source to restore your energy? ⚡ Take a look at the Radiant Lotus – after placing it on your Home Island, it will begin generating energy at a rate of 1 unit of energy every 15 minutes. ⏲️ And you can increase its maximum capacity with florins! 🟣
All about the festival! - Taonga: the Island Farm
Feb 28, 2025 · There are two islands in total – the festival island and the Island of the Film Set. 🔹 What is the main reward? For completing the Island of the Film Set you will get Rupa the monkey, a new pet. You can: — Leave him – 2 banana chips. As a reward, you will receive 100 experience, 1-2 diamonds, 5-7 energy, and 4-6 palm leaves.
Taonga: the Island Farm
Dec 26, 2024 · Grow crops, take care of animals, gather resources and produce goods to trade with passing ships and neighboring villages!
Island of the Plant Kingdom – Taonga Player Support
One such plant can be found on the Island of the Plant Kingdom — the African Tulip is located next to the botany hut, and your goal is to try and get its’ shoot.
Island of the First Accord – Taonga Player Support
The Chieftain tells you that only the great Spirit of the Pacific Ocean – the creator of the Taonga Archipelago – can allow a single islander to own an entire island if they prove to be worthy of such honor.
Taonga: l'Île Agricole - Taonga: the Island Farm
Fais pousser des cultures, occupe-toi d'animaux, collecte des ressources et produits des biens à échanger avec les navires qui passent ici et les villages voisins!
Island of Potato Fields - Taonga: the Island Farm
Nov 19, 2024 · Visit the Island of Potato Fields, set up a mobile kitchen, learn various recipes from your old friends, and treat the entire Archipelago! 🍲 Rewards info: For reaching the kitchen popularity levels 5, 10, 15, and 20 you will receive 5 turkeys , Autumn Treats (decoration), Generous Table (decoration), and a new look for your order board ...