Utena - Wikipedia
Utena is located in northeastern Lithuania. The city covers 15.1 km 2 and is the eighth-largest city by area in Lithuania. Four rivers cross the city territory: Vyžuona, Krašuona, Vieša and Utenėlė. There are also two lakes in Utena, Dauniškis and Vyžuonaitis.
Utena — Vikipēdija
Utena (lietuviešu: Utena) ir pilsēta un pašvaldības centrs Lietuvas ziemeļaustrumos. Rakstos pieminēta kopš 1261. gada. Rūpnieciska pilsēta. Lielākie uzņēmumi – "Utenos trikotažas", "Utenos alus", kompānijas "Biovela" gaļas kombināts.
Utenos miesto istorija
Utena – vienas seniausių Lietuvos miestų. Utenos vardas istorijos šaltiniuose pirmą kartą paminėtas 1261 m. karalius Mindaugo laiške kalavijuočių ordinui teiktą pagalbą perleido ir Utten žemes. Pagal padavimą, miestą įkūręs legendinis kunigaikštis Utenis, kuris pasistatydinęs pilį prie Utenėlės upelio.
Tucked in among three lakes (two natural, one artificial) and five streams, Utena takes pride in its landscape, the arrangement and care of which has earned the city several awards and has been recognised as one of the best examples in Europe.
Lankytinos vietos Utenoje - We love Lithuania
Jan 3, 2024 · Utena – vienas seniausių Lietuvos vietovardžių, istorijos šaltiniuose pirmą kartą paminėtas 1261 m. Senoji Utena su pilimi ant Narkūnų piliakalnio neišliko. Kai XV a. pilis po Livonijos karų buvo sunaikinta, Utena kūrėsi dabartinėje, ūkiniu požiūriu patogesnėje vietoje.
Utena Tourism Information Center - utenainfo.lt
My Travels - How Does It Work? Get the latest accommodation, catering and entertainment deals right to your e-mail. Utena events, places of interest, accommodation, business and other information ...
Utena: top 10 attractions to visit - Discovering Lithuania
As a popular tourist destination, Utena attracts visitors with its serene lakes, pristine forests, and picturesque countryside. One of the top attractions in Utena is the stunning Utena Castle, a medieval fortress that showcases the town's rich history.
Uteni Square - utenainfo.lt
Today, Utenio Square marks the territory of the old town and greets visitors with significant changes. Once bustling markets now resonate in other areas of the city. However, residents of Utena and guests of the city are beckoned to the square for its ongoing events.
News - utena.lt
Utena is within one hour of the Via Baltica highway, which connects Eastern Europe with Western Europe and Scandinavia And located just 97 km from Vilnius, Utena offers businesses direct, fast access to Lithuania’s capital.
Utena (Lithuania) | Maristos Tourist
Utena, located in northeastern Lithuania, is a charming town known for its beautiful lakes, scenic parks, and strong cultural heritage. As one of the oldest towns in the country, Utena offers visitors a mix of history, natural beauty, and modern amenities.
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