Vajra Yoga (effects & influences) - Indastro
Vajra is the tool of lord Indra which is used to remove negativity. You will be getting the best use of kendra which is 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house. Benefics in 1st and 7th houses will give you a …
Commentary: The Actual Meditation | Lama Yeshe Wisdom …
Akshobhya is called Vajra because he is the embodiment of all the Buddhas' holy minds - the transcendental wisdom of non-dual bliss and voidness, which is the definite meaning of vajra.
Vajra - VedicTime
Vajra is the 15th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga, which is ruled by Varuna and considered to be malefic one (especially first 3 Ghatis of it). It is one of 7 other malefic Yogas and its effect can be …
At the heart of Vajrasattva is a moon disc above which is the white syllable HUM ( ཧཾ ). Rays of light emanate from the syllable and invite the wisdom being who is similar. The [wisdom & …
Kinds of Kundalini Risings
The most common risings are through Sushumna, Vajra, Saraswati nadis. There are also various energy center (chakra) levels in these routes at which she might act or take up residence in …
Sur Commentary: Practicing Aroma Charity for Spirits
As you recite the mantra, many emanations of Vajra Amrita Kundali (Vajra Swirling Nectar) transform out from your heart. Vajra Amrita Kundali is wrathful and green-blue in color with …
Birth (Nitya) Yogas - Jyotish Vidya
Vajra yoga: 186:40 - 200:00 (inauspicious) One born with this yoga will not be charitable, yet wealthy but miserly and cruel; he/she will speak a villager's language; this person will also …
Vajra Yoga in Vedic Astrology Meaning & Effects
Vajra Yoga - meaning, significance and it's effects in horoscope / birth chart / kundli as per Indian Vedic Astrology at OmAstrology.com.
Kuṇḍali - Wikipedia
Kundali (Sanskrit: कुण्डलि; IAST: Kuṇḍali) or Amritakundalin (अमृतकुण्डलिन्, Amṛtakuṇḍalin), also known in Chinese as Juntuli Mingwang (simplified Chinese: 军荼利明王; …
Vajra Yoga in Astrology - Vinay Bajrangi
What does Vajra yoga represent in astrology? Also read Vajra yoga effects and benefits in the birth chart.