Vigraha: 28 definitions - Wisdom Library
Apr 6, 2024 · Vigraha (विग्रह) is a Sanskrit word translating to “extension”, “expansion” or “form”. It is used throughout texts and practice of Hindu iconology. There are two types of icons (vigraha): utsavavigraha (proxy icon).
«ВИГРАХА» Школа Предиктивных Дисциплин – School astrologia
ВИГРАХА – это также одно из имён Верховной Личности Бога. Начиная обучаться предиктивным – эзотерическим дисциплинам, мы вспоминаем основные законы, основные требования, которые предъявляются к человеку. Прежде всего …
Understanding Vigraha In Hinduism - Hindu Blog
In the science of art, vigraha denotes the symbolic or iconic ‘body’ or figure of a deity. The popular connotation of vigraha is a deity’s figural form or image, and this might have evolved only in the post-Vedic world.
Murti - Wikipedia
A murti may also be referred to as a vigraha, pratima [13] or simply deity. Hindu devotees go to the mandirs to take darshan, bringing prepared offerings of naivedya to be blessed at the altar before the deity, and to perform puja and aarti.
Vigraha: Significance and symbolism - Wisdom Library
Jan 26, 2025 · Vigraha is a multifaceted concept in ancient Indian texts. In the Arthashastra, it signifies war's various roles, including oppression, initiation, and confrontation against enemies, representing a vital component of political strategy.
Vigraha | Encyclopedia.com
Vigraha (Skt., ‘form’). The divine represented in Hinduism through a manifest form. An image is consecrated by mantras and other rituals, but does not ‘become’ God: it becomes the mediating vehicle through which the divine becomes real to the worshipper.
Vigrahas and Murtis: Observations on the Bodies of the Gods in …
Feb 20, 2008 · The term vigraha refers to human-like bodies that the gods manifest in order to interact with humans on the earthly plane and to influence human events.
Know about vigrahams - The Hindu
Feb 23, 2017 · Vigrahas or sculptures form the main component in a temple. Activities in a temple pivot round the vigrahas. Most of the temples install chithram that is divine vigrahas inside the sanctum and...
Why India is a land of ‘murti’ and ‘vigraha’ and not idols and ...
Aug 31, 2022 · While there are more profound ways to explain and understand what a Vigraha is and why Hindus revere a Vigraha, as explained in their book "Understanding Sabarimala Swamy Ayyappa"- simply put,...
What does Vigraha mean? - Definitions.net
Information and translations of Vigraha in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.