LARGE/Wide Rib Cage. Can I ever get a flat core/torso?
Here is a picture of me on my side I AM NOT sucking in or expanding my rib cage out in this picture Here is a picture of me standing up and a few pounds heavier (But you can still see my rib cage bump) Can I ever achieve a flat core like this or Does anyone else have a big rib cage? Like i just feel like everyone else rib cage bump is even with ...
LARGE/Wide Rib Cage. Can I ever get a flat core/torso?
Whoopsie! Thanks to this thread I have yet another problem with my body O.o Seriously, yea, I also have a wide rib cage, and wide hips, and strong thick muscles where other people have their ankles/food wrists/whatever you call them. But I do have a lovely waist in-between ribs and hips that I love to put emphasis on with my clothing.
is there a good way to get rid of wide rib cage? - HealthTap
Jul 30, 2013 · Hard round lump at top of rib cage on the side also bottom of rid cage and sticks out more sometimes I get a mild pain what could this be? Constant back and rib pain with costochondritis, what good medicines get rid of the problem? Im.havibg a muscle spasim under left rib cage it hurts and i gave to stetch and move ti get rid of.it what coukd ...
Big rib cage, can I ever look slim? (Photos attached)
Hello, I appear to have what you could call a big rib cage. I have attached photos of me with and without my belly sucked in. I have attached photos of me with and without my belly sucked in. I have started exercising actively now, but the question is will I ever be able to look properly slim or will I have to be bulky to compensate for a ...
LARGE/Wide Rib Cage. Can I ever get a flat core/torso?
Seriously, yea, I also have a wide rib cage, and wide hips, and strong thick muscles where other people have their ankles/food wrists/whatever you call them. But I do have a lovely waist in-between ribs and hips that I love to put emphasis on with my clothing. I know I'll never be as slander as others, but I'm quite happy with my body.
Is waist size largely genetics? — MyFitnessPal.com
If you have a wide pelvis and a wide rib cage, it may not be impossible to get a slim waist, but that geometry does make it less likely, particularly - as yirara says - you have a short torso. Since you're a guy, I'm assuming you're not going for hourglass anyway.
Is it true that your hip bones are as wide as your rib cage?
Jun 7, 2017 · How to expand lower rib-cage i.E. Below chest and above waist and fill out girly curvy gap.I have abnormally female bone structure with wide waist, hip? I feel like commiting suicide in future.Delayed puberty with small rib-cage, wide waist bone, large wide hips pelvic bone.How to expand ribs and testis? Pain from right hip bone to rib cage ...
lump on left side of rib cage - HealthTap
painful left lump on left side of rib cage. it has grown in size. mri was last test to show something but it was not defined. been 3 yrs, what is it?: Hard to say: There are certainly many possibilities. If there is any
Large Rib Cage? — MyFitnessPal.com
My Dad had a huge rib cage. He was the definition of barrel chested. Even when he was dying, and had lost a huge amount of weight, his rib cage made him look large under the sheet. Do I have it too? Dunno, I'll find out in another 90lbs, lol. But yeah, it exists. For the most part though, it's likely an excuse people tell themselves.
Height and ribcage size - Abnormal? — MyFitnessPal.com
For reference: I'm 5'7" and my rib cage is roughly 36 - 38 inches (depending on how tight I hold the tape). I probably have a lot more fat on my body than you do given your measurements, but.. even when I weighed 40lbs less, my rib cage measurement was still the same. It has never changed, regardless of body weight/age/etc.