Cat lady - Wikipedia
A cat lady is a cultural archetype or stock character, most often depicted as a middle-aged or elderly spinster or widow, who has many cats. The term may be pejorative, or it may be affectionately embraced.
What Is a Cat Lady? The Surprising Answer & When It’s a Problem - Catster
Mar 6, 2025 · Classically, a cat lady was an older woman who lived by herself with an uncountable number of cats. In fact, word for word, these cats generally come and go inside to outside.
How ‘cat lady’ became an insult for women of a certain age
Jul 27, 2024 · “Cat lady” is an insult usually reserved for women without children who share their homes with cats, but here, he used it to describe Harris and other politicians who don’t have biological...
Dictionary of Cat Slang Terms - The Catnip Times
Aug 29, 2022 · “Cat lady” – A woman who loves cats, often to the point of obsession. She may live alone with many cats, or simply have a large number of cats as pets. She is often single and without human children. “Crazy cat lady” – A more extreme version of a “cat lady.”
CAT LADY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CAT LADY definition: 1. a woman who has a lot of cats, especially a woman who lives alone and is considered to be…. Learn more.
You Can't Be A Cat Lady Without These Words - Dictionary.com
Jan 31, 2018 · A cat lady may have one or two (or ten) cats running around her house, but there’s no way she considers herself someone who hoards cats. Instead, she’s more of a bulwark (“protection, strong support”).
CAT LADY | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
CAT LADY meaning: 1. a woman who has a lot of cats, especially a woman who lives alone and is considered to be…. Learn more.
cat lady — Wordorigins.org
Aug 3, 2024 · The cat lady is typically portrayed as a middle-aged or elderly, unmarried woman who has a plethora of cats. The archetype can be positive or pejorative.
cat lady Meaning | Pop Culture by Dictionary.com
Apr 17, 2018 · Cat lady is a popular colloquial way for people to refer to a person, often female but also male, who is very fond of their pet cat(s). It’s also used, sometimes in mockery or self-identification, of young women who are single or unlucky in love.
Cat Lady - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
A "Cat Lady" is a term used to describe an older, unmarried woman who has several cats as pets. These women are often portrayed as being lonely, eccentric, and even crazy. The term is derogatory and is often used to shame and belittle women who choose to live their lives without conforming to societal norms.