the School District 11 website: www.d11.org/gmp Apply by the due date using this LINK on the D-11 website for grades 4-8; (use THIS LINK for grade 3). Obtain a teacher recommendation from a teacher who knows your student well. Provide THIS LINK to the teacher so they may complete an online recommendation.
Additional Information can be found in D11 Student Conduct, Attendance and Discipline Code: https://www.d11.org/cms/lib/CO02201641/Centricity/Domain/69/StudentHandbook.pdf …
Monday will run as an asynchronous learning day for all Sabin and D11 middle school students. Students will follow the enclosed bell schedule for their grade level using Remote Learning methods – Asynchronous activities in Schoology. Asynchronous Learning Asynchronous Learning denotes learning without Live Instruction -
• Engagement specialists from D11 will provide professional development opportunities and on-going social-emotional learning • Community/Business partnerships will be utilized to support our students, families and classroom
Colorado Springs School District 11 (“D11”) seeks to comply with applicable laws prohibiting discrimination in relation to disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation (as defined by state law), national origin, religion, ancestry, age, and protected activity in its programs and
StudySync - co02201641.schoolwires.net
Go to RJWAC.d11.org and select
coaches contact and registration - https://www.d11.org/coronado or https://www.d11.org/domain/1098 The Athletic Office will be open starting Monday, August 8th …
Dear D11 Families, The start to this school year will be unlike any other, however I am thrilled to welcome you and your family to the 2020-2021 academic year!
Please contact Mrs. Crunkleton at 719-328-2025 or [email protected] if you have any questions. PLEASE NOTE: If you intend to “return” to Odyssey ECCO as a 5th year student, specifically to attend PPSC, we must have already received your signed, Fall 2023 Concurrent Enrollment Agreement.
Colorado Springs School District 11 ("011 ") seeks to comply with applicable laws prohibiting discrimination in relation to disability. race, creed, color, sex. sexual orientaion