请问 iPhone12 Pro 值得买吗? - 知乎
在参数上来看,iPhone 12 Pro似乎只是iPhone 11Pro的改进款,但在许多重要方面,这款手机实际上有了相当重大的变化。一般来说,升级换代都是好事,但iPhone 12 Pro的新功能对用户来说真的有用吗?到底值不值得买呢?
Stuttering Bluetooth iPhone 16 Pro Max driving me crazy!
Jan 6, 2004 · Hi, My phone is stuttering when connected to bluetooth devices, namely my car. My iPhone 12 Pro Max works just fine. I've tried deleting the car from the phone, and the phone from the car. I've reset the network settings as I've seen recommended. None of these helped. I will note that after I...
A PWM Sufferers experience of the iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Apr 29, 2021 · As a phone the iPhone 12 Pro Max is absolutely fantastic, the Qualcomm modem and 4 antennas vs Intel Modem & 2 antennas absolutely wipe the floor with my iPhone 11. In most places my network speeds are significantly faster and I am even picking up 5G in areas the coverage maps say I shouldn’t, my house for one as the 5G signal is meant to be ...
iPhone 12 IPhone 12 loses wifi/cellular even with strong signal
Jul 8, 2017 · I have the problem intermittently on both an iPhone 12 mini and 12 pro. The issue only happens on 5G, if I switch to LTE the problem goes away. Only way to get the 5G working again when the problem happens is to toggle cellular data. Rebooting the phone or toggling airplane mode doesn’t help. For the time being I’ve just disabled 5G.
iPhone 12 Pro highest Watt charger that an iPhone 12 will take ...
May 15, 2019 · Testing conducted by Apple in September 2020 using preproduction iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max units and software and accessory Apple USB-C Power Adapter (20W Model A2305). Fast-charge testing conducted with drained iPhone units. Charge time varies with environmental factors; actual results will vary. 2.
is upgrade from iPhone 12 Pro Max to iPhone 15 Pro Max worth it ...
Sep 13, 2023 · I am thinking whether i should upgrade from iPhone 12 Pro Max to iPhone 15 Pro Max or not? Things which i look for are battery, better processing and off course better camera. are there more people like me thinking to upgrade and would like to listen their thoughts. Also I am based out of Singapore, so i will selling my 12 Pro Max and buying ...
iPhone 17 Pro: Apple Has 'Tested' Wireless Reverse Charging Feature
Apr 12, 2001 · Long-running rumors of iPhone reverse wireless charging capabilities finally came to fruition in 2021 – albeit in a limited way – when Apple released the MagSafe Battery Pack for iPhone 12 and newer models. When attached to an iPhone that was charging via Lightning, the iPhone could deliver power to the MagSafe Battery Pack ...
iPhone 12 Pro 和 iPhone 13 该如何选择? - 知乎
iPhone 12 Pro 为后置三摄,多了个长焦镜头. 摄像上 12Pro最高支持6倍数码变焦. Pro还多了激光雷达扫描仪,对焦更准、速度更快. 续航. 在外观上,iPhone 13 比 iPhone 12 Pro 厚了0.25mm,iPhone 13 电池容量增加到3227mAh,iPhone 12 Pro为2815mAh. 在续航方面 13 系列 …
iPhone 12 Pro Max how’s the antenna signal/reception
Oct 14, 2019 · I’ve been having reception problems with my iPhone 12 pro max. Have to go into and out of airplane mode to get any bars when I come into the house, my 11 pro max worked with no problems. Tried to go into filed test mode but do not see the complete list of options to find the single strength - any one else noticed filed test mode on 12 pm does ...
Official bezel and notch measurements | MacRumors Forums
Mar 27, 2017 · Some of us have been waiting for the official answer from Apple and it's finally available. Summary iPhone 12 series notch is not smaller than iPhone 11 Pro. iPhone 12 series side and top/bottom bezels are thinner than iPhone 11 Pro series. This is the result of thinner glass and metal bezels...