How realistic are the colors that we see in pictures of …
Nov 29, 2011 · As dave has explained, our eyes are not especially adapted to perceiving colors in low-light situations, and we see at best grays and greens in bright nebulae. If you can accept …
physics - Are nebulae colored? - Skeptics Stack Exchange
Apr 13, 2012 · The heart of the Omega nebula contains roughly 35 stars, the hottest of which spew out ultraviolet radiation that causes the surrounding hydrogen gas to glow red and pink.» …
Why are the colours of nebulae different? - Physics Forums
Jan 8, 2012 · When I view the Orion Nebula through my telescope it appears a grey (US 'gray') cloud. When I take a time exposure photograph I can see purple and and green clouds. 1. …
Plasma Color: What Makes It Blue & What Colors It Can Be?
Jan 6, 2011 · Most of the plasma we see in everyday life is more or less blue (lightning, plasma lamps, static discharges through air etc etc). But if I understand correctly, plasma can be in …
technology - Is the Pale Blue Dot smaller than a pixel? - Skeptics ...
Oct 6, 2013 · The width of the nebula here is ~50 light-years and it is 5,000 light-years from Earth. The angular diameter of the full-moon is ~32.0 arcminutes. This image is 37.8 arcminutes …
A new planet? - Physics Forums
Feb 14, 2025 · Observations of a nearby pulsar wind nebula reveal a radio jet feature with a helical magnetic field inside White dwarf and red dwarf duo emit radio pulses every two hours …
Why only certain colors in emission spectrum are visible? - Physics …
May 31, 2017 · Why are only certain colors of the emission spectrum in Hydrogen visible? It looks like we need clarification on what question you are asking. Are you asking why hydrogen only …
Solid Angle of the Sun Derivation - Physics Forums
May 15, 2009 · I read in a paper the following passage: "We take the sun to subtend a linear angle of 32 arc-minutes. The solid angle is derived as \\Omega=\\pi sin^{2}16'=6.8x10^{-5} sr" …
Slowing down a moving electric charge - Physics Forums
Feb 26, 2025 · If an electric charge q is moving with a certain velocity v and we want to slow it down, this can only be done with an electrical force because magnetic force is perpendicular …
Computing the capacitance of a strange material - Physics Forums
Mar 2, 2025 · I will post later a picture. I can define a distance between 2 boundaries where opposite charges are present. The problem being the electroststics potential being non …