Code of Ethics and Conduct | BPS
Dec 8, 2021 · What is the Code of Ethics and Conduct? Under the terms of our Royal Charter, the BPS maintains a Code of Ethics and Conduct (current revision from 2009).
BPS Code of Human Research Ethics
Apr 5, 2021 · The attached document, written by the BPS Working Party on Ethical Guidelines for Psychological Research and updated in April 2021, is designed to clarify the conditions under which psychological research involving humans can take place and to inform the professional and ethical judgement of researchers.
Homepage | BPS
Championing psychology since 1901, we represent and promote psychology, psychologists and the wider psychological professions. Our membership is diverse, but we all share a passion for psychology.
Supervision guidance for psychologists | BPS
Aug 21, 2024 · The document is guidance on supervision for psychologists, covering principles, theories, and models for safe and effective practice. 21 August 2024
BPS Practice Guidelines (2017)
Jan 30, 2017 · This document provides a set of shared guidelines for practice for all applied psychologists. This document was produced by a working group drawn from the range of Member Networks across the society whose members are engaged in professional practice, as well as representatives from relevant expert reference groups of the society.
BPS membership | BPS
Psychology is a dynamic, ever-evolving field that touches every aspect of human life. And at its heart is the British Psychological Society (BPS). As the UK's professional body for psychology, our members include HCPC-registered practising psychologists applying their expertise in …
Find a psychologist | BPS
How do I find a psychologist to help me? If you're looking for help or support with a personal problem or a professional challenge you can search our lists and directories to find a psychologist in your area. Please note: the BPS cannot endorse or recommend individual members. It is the ...
What is psychology? | BPS
Why do you think, behave and feel the way you do? How does that affect your memory, the way you communicate and your ability to complete tasks? Psychology - the study of the mind and behaviour – tries to get to the bottom of questions like these. Psychology applies sound scientific methodology to ...
About us - BPS
The BPS is a place where people from any background can feel welcome. We oppose any form of prejudice or discrimination. We promise to challenge all anti-inclusive behaviour.
Career options in psychology | BPS
Research in psychology requires the application of skills and knowledge to develop, test, and analyse hypotheses about human behaviour. Research underpins much of the teaching and practice of psychology as it provides the evidence-base for psychological theory and the effectiveness of treatments, interventions, tests and teaching methods.