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- J Roc
Rap - Best of Ricky
TPB - John
Dunsworth - Best of
J-Roc - Bubbles and the
Shitrockers - Roc
Ep 1 - Jonathan
Torrens - J Roc
Trailer Park Life - TPB
Lucy's - Jim Lahey
Show - J Roc
Rapping - Mike Smith
the Actor - Bubbles Puppet
Conky - Kitty
Man - Trailer
Turntable - TPB
Lahey and Randy Sinking RV Scene - Trailer Park Theme
Song - John Paul
Tremblay - Bubbles Liquor
and Hors - J Roc
and the Rock Pile - TPB
Lahey and Randy Boat Scene - John Dunsworth
Death - Trailerhood
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